Also be sure to read the Handbook to understand how note input works.
If you continue to have trouble, please ask for help in the Support forum (use "Ask for Help", not "Report a bug", from within MuseScore. And be sure to provide more info - what OS, what specifically you are doing, what you expect to see happen, what happens instead.
Yes iam switching it. I have windows10 USB midi connected to my
soundmodule.DX3 from Ketron
If i opeens a score and play he plays the sound from the Windows sound and
Not my module. I have tried Jack midi tot Bud then its hanging.
Yes i'am switching it. I have windows10 USB to midi connected to my
soundmodule.DX3 from Ketron
If i opens a score and play he plays the sound from the Windows sound and
Not my module. I have tried Jack midi budgettaire then its hanging.
Are you switching it before you start MuseScore? You must do that.
Also be sure to read the Handbook to understand how note input works.
If you continue to have trouble, please ask for help in the Support forum (use "Ask for Help", not "Report a bug", from within MuseScore. And be sure to provide more info - what OS, what specifically you are doing, what you expect to see happen, what happens instead.
Yes iam switching it. I have windows10 USB midi connected to my
soundmodule.DX3 from Ketron
If i opeens a score and play he plays the sound from the Windows sound and
Not my module. I have tried Jack midi tot Bud then its hanging.
Yes i'am switching it. I have windows10 USB to midi connected to my
soundmodule.DX3 from Ketron
If i opens a score and play he plays the sound from the Windows sound and
Not my module. I have tried Jack midi budgettaire then its hanging.