Different Font?

• Jun 17, 2017 - 23:13

How do I get the Notes and font to have a Bold, darker tone?
For Example, This score ---> https://musescore.com/user/2571801/scores/2341871
Do you notice how the notes are darker?
Thanks - Jazz


It appears this score has done several things:

1) it uses MuseJazz for most text, perhaps because it was created using one of the Jazz templates (or maybe it was done manually)

2) it uses the Bravura font for notation (specified in Style / General)

3) it has additionally changed the settings for stem thickness in Style / General / Notes and probably other details in other tabs of that same dialog.

Considering we have no "handwritten" font for notation currently, I'd say this was a pretty effective way of faking it. Slurs and ties could also be thickened more I think. Accidentals (including key signature) are the main things that stand out as not fitting in stylistically, and there is no current setting to change this.

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