Bad layout of cross staff ties
1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. Click on a note of the second chord.
3. Hold Shift and Commend until after step 4.
4. 'Down'.
Desired result: All notes in the tie move down.
Actual result: The second part of the tied chord is unmoved.
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (0b96ea5) - Mac 10.7.5.
It can be done, just select the other chord and press Shift + Command + Down too. I'm not sure that we can't find a score where we want the tied notes to stay on the other staff.
You could move it down manually, yes.
Automatic maybe better, though.
What about the second chord? should the first one move too?
My opinion is that both parts of the tied chord should move down, if that's what you mean?
If you select a note of the second chord and press Shift + Command + Down what do you expect?
I would expect the first chord to go down too.
After reading page 308 of 'Behind Bars', the expected result could be different - the ties could simply be better positioned, rather than the other notes move automatically.
Indeed, it's a *feature* that the tied-to notes don't move. But it's a bug that the tie is laid out incorrectly - using a vertical position based on the lines that were occupied in the original staff.
This is related to #38501: glissando don't work with cross staff notation, but hopefully not inherently unfixable in current design.
Superceded by #279182: Cross-staff slurs/ties trying to avoid note on wrong staff