[MusicXML export] Some dynamics missing

• Sep 17, 2013 - 11:23
S4 - Minor

1. Open attached mscz (produced in 2.0).
2. 'Export...'.
3. Choose MusicXML.
4. 'Save'.
5. Open MusicXML.

Result: The dynamics don't appear.

Some dynamics not exported.png

Note: I also attach the produced MusicXML.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (b1aa490) - Mac 10.7.5.


I think i found a way to input dynamics
See attachment
basically you drag it to pretty high above the note (as high as possible) and release the mouse, and it'll appear in the correct spot (in between the staves)

Attachment Size
Input Dynamics.jpg 32.78 KB

But fwiw, while adding dynamics drag and drop may be broken in recent builds, it still works to add them in the normal way: click note, double click palette icon.

Title [MusicXML] Some dynamics not exported [MusicXML export] Some dynamics missing

I thought I'd update this with a more stable score.

1. Open attached mscz (produced in 2.0 beta 1).
2. 'File'>'Export…'.
3. Choose 'MusicXML'.
4. 'Save'.
5. Open MusicXML.
6. 'Yes' to error message (non-valid MusicXML file - "Fatal error: line 380 column 24 Element direction-type is missing child element.").

Result: Some dynamics are missing.


Also attached is the produced MusicXML.
In order to fit all bars onto the (intended) single page, I removed the title frame prior to exporting the MusicXML image.
Finale 2014 produced some error messages (all the same, bar the line numbers: 381, 608, 663 and 698) upon import of the MusicXML - one is attached.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build 80a58a9 - Mac 10.7.5.