Workflow Tweaks

• Jun 25, 2017 - 09:01

1) A way to define default durations for newly-created fermatas/breaths (e.g. as part of preferences or style?)
Perhaps I'm missing something, but it would be nice to have a way to set this once and have it applied to all newly created elements.

2) Increase the activation area for small elements to make them easier to select
It's currently a pain to select staccato dots and other "tiny" notation elements. It would be nice if the clickable-region around each of these could be made larger to extend outside the visible region (e.g. a nice default, preferably user-adjustable, could be to use a 20-30px radius around each item). In case of multiple overlapping elements, the closer-one takes priority; if both are equally-close, it should toggle between them.


On 1) if you change the Time Stretch and save it in a custom workspace, the time stretch will be the default every time you use a custom fermata (et al.) You can even set up multiple time stretches if you like. Name each one in the palette so it will be easier to determine which is which by hovering the mouse over it.

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