No midi output with JackMIDI.
64 bit linux, nightly build mscore-2013-09-20-18-00-c84969b.
To reproduce:
1. open Edit>Preferences>IO
2. Turn off "Use internal synthesizer".
3. Turn on "Use JACK MIDI".
4. Apply settings, restart musescore.
5. Connect musescore to any program that can receive JackMIDI messages.
6. Play any score.
Expected behavior: JackMIDI messages are sent to a receiver program.
Actual behavior: No JackMIDI messages are sent.
I can confirm this issue. Using Ubuntu Precise and Qjackctl. Musescore shows up as a Midi device in Qjackctl, but no messages are sent.
Update: if you uncheck "Portaudio" and restart Musescore, then Musescore shows up as a real Jack MIDI device under the MIDI tab in Qjackctl. The parent option "Use internal synthesizer" does not have an effect if you uncheck it. When you restart Musescore it is re-enabled along with Portaudio.
using 4af604c on kxstudio 12.04.3 and experience the same issue. I've connected kmidimon through Catia to monitor MIDI out from musescore and just nothing is transmited to kmidimon.
I've tried several options in I/O preferences, but nothing works.
in my case, then uncheck "PortAudio" MuseScore sends MIDI messages, but not all midi messages ... skip some notes when playing...
This is due to the non implementation of JACK MIDI (in/out/sync) in musescore 2.0. Igevorse is now working on as mentionned here :…
Actually Jack MIDI should be working now. Tested with 9ae6863a22 on Mac OSX.
using ab1ecd7 on kxstudio 14.04, can confirm, audio also works on linux, but there is no auto connection to the JACK output selected in Ediont > preferences > I/O, I have to use a patchbay (catia, qjackctl, ...) to connect musescore output to jack
BUT MIDI out still doesn't work !
I have to add that checking Edition > preferences > I/O Use Jack MIDI makes one of my CPU core freeze to 100% !
Auto connection works like this: open MuseScore and your external synthesizer or output. Connect ports with your patchbay. Close MuseScore and open it again - ports should be connected automatically. Checked it now with Catia, works. It could not connect if MuseScore crashed (not closed properly).
"BUT MIDI out still doesn't work !"
Could you describe problem with more details? How have you connected ports, what result do you expect and what result got?
About freezing - need more information about it. Does CPU unfreeze after closing "Preferences"? After unchecking "Use Jack MIDI"?. It freeze, but work or don't work?
Thank you.
Hi igervorse,
Ok, I using 4445b07. Here are the steps creating issue. First of all, about CPU overload.
1- open musescore
2- go to edit > preferences > I/O
3- check "Use Jack MIDI"
4- Click apply
5- CPU loads to 100% on one core
To avoid this, I have to uncheck AND to close/restart musescore. If I just uncheck and click apply, CPU load stays to 100%
regarding auto-connect, I've followed your instructions, but stil doesn't work.
I don't know if it can inpact, but I have to precise I'm using firewire device with FFADO driver. But everything is managed by Jack.
Here is the GDB trace :
**EDIT : I just realized that gdb trace isn't clearer than mscore -ed ....**
I was confused and wrote about auto-connection of Jack MIDI ports.
You was right - auto-connection of Jack Audio ports didn't work like this.
MuseScore didn't save connections you've done with your patchbay. It saved connections if you explicitly pick destination ports in Preferences -> I/O.
Anyway, I already implemented proper auto-connection for Jack Audio ports - now it is more intuitive. When you close MuseScore, it would remember all connections from your patchbay and restore them if you start MuseScore again. Of course if you checked "Remember last connection(s)".
I will write you after merging code.
yeah, thks to let me know when merge is done, if you need tester, i'm your man ;-)
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.