Tuplet error caused by different time signatures.

• Jun 29, 2017 - 02:40

So I'm trying to take a piano arrangement and turn it into a multi-instrument version. I already had it saved as just piano and voice. Now that I've added instruments, when the song changes into 12/8 only the piano part has changed to 12/8. It won't let me cut and paste the piano part onto the instruments because it thinks it's a tuplet (because not all staves have changed into 12/8). It won't let me change one of the voice parts to 12/8 because the staff isn't empty and I can't empty the staff without deleting it because it won't let me cut and paste.

Attachment Size
cut paste issue.png 98.29 KB
12.8 issue.png 89.69 KB


In order to help, we would need to see the actual score, not just a picture of it. But indeed, if you are trying to have one instrument be in one time signature but other instruments in another, there are a number of limitations you need to live with, and that includes the fact that measures must be empty in order to make these sorts of time signature changes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That's just the thing though: I don't want different time signatures. It did that by itself. When I added instruments to the existing score, those instruments didn't change to 12/8 when they were supposed to, where it was already written to in the piano.

And would I just upload the mscz file? To show you the score?

In reply to by xxbroadwaygalxx

From looking at the score, it looks like you must have change a single line's time signature using the ctrl-drag, apparently inadvertently from what you say. You then added instruments and the lines were put with the time signature that was originally in the score.

This score is a mess from a potential for editing point of view. Unfortunately the best bet is to delete from measure 35 to the end and start again from there.

In reply to by mike320

So, that's what I've now done, but now the problem is that it's not playing back properly, which is an issue because I'll be sending this to people for them to learn how to sing their parts. Now it's in 4/4 and in triplets, but it's playing the sung notes (the triplets) wrong and not acknowledging that they're sung through to the end of the measures. I'll attach it below. It's measures 36-39.

Attachment Size
Little Cosette.mscz 19.92 KB

In reply to by xxbroadwaygalxx

For others trying to help on this:

This is very strange. First of all the tuplets don't follow the beaming defined in the time signature. There should be two tuplets (6 8th notes) in the first group then a gap and two tuplets in the second group. The piano follow this, but there are no tuplets. Just for kicks I deleted Madame T's measure 36 and reentered it and all was as should be. Since you can't copy from the 12/8 measures in the other files I'm at a loss to understand where these measures came from. I examined the notes, and beams and see no modifications that would make me to expect it to display like this. The weirdest thing is that the notes are played where they are displayed and no rest is missing. The measure has both a nominal and actual duration of 4/4 and there is no corruption reported when opening the file. Musescore thinks the notes are in the correct places. When I double exchange voices in a measure I get a series of rests as you get when a measure is corrupted.

All of this discussion is equally true for measures 36-39.

@xxbroadwaygalxx - How did you enter these measures? Did you Copy them from somewhere? IF you manually entered them, how did you do that? Keyboard, mouse, midi... How did you create your tuplets? Did you make one and repeatedly copy it some how? Did you make four 1/4 rests and make them all at once? Did you use the keyboard or the menu? If you could tells us exaclty it would help us figure out what went wrong.

In reply to by xxbroadwaygalxx

You deleted measure 36 to the end by selecting all the measures and pressing Ctrl-Delete (or using the edit menu). You then added measures to the end of the piece using Ctrl-B, Ctrl-Alt-B or the edit menu.

I'm afraid I wasn't clear enough on what I meant by deleting measure 36 to the end in my other post.

I suspect the answer to the first paragraph is going to be "No." If "Yes" then the following is is how I would enter it using the keyboard without copying and pasting.

In other words you started with a whole rest in measure 36 and typed

5 0 (put a rest in)
5 ctrl-3 (made a triplet on beat 2)
0 f f (made a 1/8 rest followed by 2 1/8 F's)
5 ctrl-3 (made another triplet on beat 3)
f f f (since the default on this triplet is 1/8 note, there is no need to type the 4 before the notes and rests)
5 ctrl-3 (made another triplet on beat 4)
f f f

You then had what is currently in measure 36 with the blue cursor on measure 37 waiting for you to enter the next group of notes.

Is this correct?

In reply to by xxbroadwaygalxx

Generally, time signature are supposed to apply to all staves. What you describe would only normally happen if you hold "Ctrl" while adding the time signature - that's how you force a time signature to apply to one staff only. So perhaps you did that accidentally. Or perhaps something went wrong somehow. If you can remember exactly how this happened, that might help. Otherwise, best we can do is assume that this was a case a accidentally holding "Ctrl", and then we can focus on helping you recover from that.

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