Playback when lowering the BPM

• Sep 30, 2013 - 17:41

I have a piece that I entered at 120BPM which has repeats for various sections. When I use the Display->Play Panel to lower the BPM to 80 (or whatever) each repeated phrase plays properly the first time through, then when it hits each repeat instead of repeating the entire phrase MuseScore only repeats the last 2/3 of the phrase. If I lower the BPM to 60 it repeats only the last 1/2 of the phrase. This is true for all repeats in the piece. I was able to get around the problem by setting the overall score to "Adagio", but this would appear to be a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

Windows version 1.3 Revision 5702.



It's always much easier to answer if you post the actual score.

But do note, tempo texts are the proper way to change the actual tempo for a piece. Think of the play panel as a way to achieve a temporary override to the real tempo.

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