MuseScore’s shortcoming - renewed

• Oct 1, 2013 - 16:45

After rereading of my text I found some shortcomings, so I am putting in Corrected and amended text:
Hi developers in MuseScore,
I am not sure if I am on the right link, but it seems to me, that it could be so:-)
First, I would like to appologize, in advance, for my certainly insufficient English – I am from Czech republic…
For some time, I have been using MuseScore, and I have found it quite good and I would like to express my gratitude to you that I can use such a program.
I am not a big composer, so I hardly could or would an interest to purchase a paid program. Thus, I am glad that I have the opportunity to try this application – thank you very much – to all developers and of course, mainly to the head developer:-)
However, there are some shortcomings. And the main, which forced me to write you, is popup window: „Part List“ (under the key F10).
The problem is that the window is displayed in small size and when you have more instruments there, you must adjust it again and again. You may say that it is banality – but slow down – when you use it very frequently, it is very annoying… And for me, to say truth, it is hardly to imagine what is the purpose of that arrangement… The problem is the more obvious when you are trying to use active cursor and you are trying to get it down for a hide instrument in this way – when you are not on the accurate place or point, it is changing the instrument field… And returning of the proper instrument is not just easy thing too…
Well, I tried to change this feature with window size in program files, but I could not find any possibility. So, I am writting you now… And I am asking you, if there would be some quick possibility to resolve it so that I could finish my song or possibly to make up some new in more easy way.
Well, there are some other things that are not very user-friendly, but not of such a strength as the one I have spoken about and it would be more difficult to descibe it, so I will let it be.
In the end, I would mention that Microsoft also has similar shortcomings… Thus, make no heavy head of that. However, I would be very glad if my request is not neglected:-)
I believe it could be easy to make up for it. Of course, I am aware of the fact that remembering of a position of the window (when it is turned off) could be hard to implement. However, to change the size of the window so as to be always bigger should not be so hard – am I right? Please, tell me how to cope with it.
Thank you in advance. Take care.
Jaroslav Kaňa from Czech republic, Břeclav

PS: Highlighted changes in the text I did dissapeared...


In reply to by chen lung

And why the link 3 is crossed out now? Thanks. Jaros
Hi Chen, thank you very much for your answer. I have already looked on the links from you. And I am glad that it has been resolved (or that it is resolved – is it resolved in the 2.0 {nightly} version, am I right?)
Is there any solution without using of the nightly version? Simply, to set bigger size permanently in the instalation files?

I'm trying to imagine why you would be using the Mixer window so frequently that this would be a significant issue. Perhaps you are trying to do something that is better done a different way? It might help if you described what you are trying to do. I guess maybe if you are trying to selectively mute or solo staves as an aid to hearing individual parts of sections during the composing process? But certainly, that shouldn't be stopping you from finishing a composition, so I'm thinking maybe you are trying to use that window for something it wasn't intended for?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc, thank you very much for your answer.
The reason why I am using the Mixer window so frequently is basicly expressed (I believe) in your suggestion or question: „I guess maybe if you are trying to selectively mute or solo staves as an aid to hearing individual parts of sections during the composing process?“
Simply, when I have more instruments and I am doing some (special) changes (mainly corrections or improvements) and I am not sure how it would sound, it is good or better for me to listen fewer of instruments playing together… Or just the ones, which are specially selected…
And of course, this is not something which could stop my finishing of the composition, but maybe – only maybe, discourage me from some other to begin… In either case, it is annoying, as I have already mentioned it in my request…
Sorry for my probably rough expression(s). Do you understand that now?

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