Can't connect my keyboard to Musescore

• Oct 2, 2013 - 08:28

I am using Tascam US-122mkII to connect my keyboard to the mac. The method I know and is working with other software like Audacity. Basically I am connected the keyboard to Tascam through AUX, so audio out from keyboard to Guitar In on Tascam. And inside Musecore's preference, I see that it recognizes the Tascam as an input, but when I start playing the note just won't appears.

Please give me so guidance as to what I am doing wrong?


Are you connecting your keyboard to the Tascam by the MIDI ports (out on the keyboard goes to in on the Tascam)?

If not it will not be able to "talk" to MuseScore

A few things:

Audacity is an audio program, not a MIDI program. So are you sure your keyboard is actually communicating with Audacity using MIDI rather than audio? Use of the term AUX sounds like you are talking audio, not MIDI.

Have you read the handbook sections on Note entry ? In particular, I hope you aren't expecting to just play and have everything magically notated - hopefully you realize you still need to enable note entry mode, select durations,a nd enter pitches one at a time.

Beyond that, make sure you start MuseScore *after* connecting the keyboard.

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