Slur on grace notes are not propagating from an ensemble score out to the individual part scores.

• Oct 2, 2013 - 15:24
S4 - Minor

Doing some more testing with the slur.
I have an ensemble score with 15 parts in it with slurs on 6 of the parts. When I create the individual parts from the ensemble score the slurs are not propagating out to the individual parts. I can add the slurs to the individual scores and they are kept.

I'm attaching a screen shot of the emsemble score showing the slurs and a screen shot of one of the parts.


Attachment Size
Slur_Ensemble_Score.png 531.27 KB
Slur_Part_Score.png 225.22 KB


Status (old) active needs info

I can't reproduce. Can you give exact steps to reproduce from scratch?

With da044d7714 I did the following

  1. Create a score for 3 flutes
  2. Add notes on the first flutes, also add one grace note and two graces notes in front of some notes
  3. Create parts
  4. Add slurs a bit everywhere in the score
  5. The slurs appears in the parts
Status (old) needs info active

Ok now I get it...

  1. Create a score for two flutes
  2. Add a note and a grace note before this note in the first flute
  3. Select the grace note and press S
  4. Create part for the first flute
  5. Grace note is not slurred to the main note in the part

Is it what you observed? or is it something different?

yes that is what I'm seeing. There is also the problem that the if the slur is extended to cover the grace note(s) and say another 3 or 4 notes that it does not keep this extension when the score is saved which I have another bug report open on that problem.


I think this is very different to the other part export problems I've done (Fall/DoIt & Tremolo).
The problem seems to be that gracenote slurs aren't included in the spanner map, and hence aren't re-mapped when the part is created.