Keyboard View Score Plugin gives error

• Oct 12, 2013 - 07:51


I am getting error any time I run this plugin. Please see the attached image for error. How do you fix this?


Attachment Size
Keyboard View Score.png 112.95 KB


I suspect you're running an older version of that plugin, as in the version I downloaded today there is no mention of 'whiteQuarter' on line 211 (but is 2 lines up, including ist definition).
And the plugin just works here, MuseScore 1.3, Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit.
As per the zip archive (, the .js file is from 7Jan2012, so quite old already. So either your's is even older or got changed on your PC?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


The problem is not with the plugin.
The problem is the zip file contains .js, .ui and .png files in single folder. So, when extracted it is stored in one directory.

The plugin works only when "images" folder is created in a plugin directory. This is hard coded in .js file in section -1, function PNGImages(scale).

This is my structure and the plugin works regardless of its version:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore\plugins\Key_Board_View_Score
- This folder contains :
- images (file folder)
- keyboardviewscore.js
- keyboardviewscore.ui
C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore\plugins\Key_Board_View_Score\images
- This folder contains :
- all images for music notations (font images).
- All .png files should be placed here.

Thank you for your help.

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