Changing from Win XP to Win 8

• Oct 14, 2013 - 15:01

My much-loved but very ancient Acer Windows XP machine is creaking at the seams and after checking that Musescore v1 is compatible with Win 8 I've ordered a new Acer all-in-one running Windows 8. Transferring my scores folders to the new machine will be quite straightforward, but I have Musecore set up to use ASIO with an Alesis io2 audio interface into which I plug various MIDI devices. Is it possible to transfer the Musescore program to the new Windows 8 machine along with its ASIO and Alesis settings so that I can just plug everything in and go, or will I have to download and install Musescore again and go though all the audio setting up again?


I have no special insight into that hardware, but I'd recommend starting by installing MuseScore onto the new machine to make sure all necessary set up is done, *then* try copying those specific settings. Not sure where you made them - in the synthesizer window? preferences? But probably you could find the relevant lines of your configuration files in AppData/Local/MusE and copy them. Not sure what all is involved in just setting it up from scratch again - doesn't seem MuseScore itself has more than half a dozen MID-related settings, so it's kind of hard for me to imagine the effort it might take to find the configuration files and copy what needs to be copied to be easier than just remaking those same half dozen settings. But maybe there is more to it I don't know about?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OK Thanks Marc,
It's set up in preferences and I've since found out that I can transfer all my preferences settings across to Win 8 using Microsoft's Easy File Transfer app. So I'll just reinstall Musescore from the website and hopefully it will pick up all my audio settings that I transfer across from XP.

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