Play panel playback and tempo

• Nov 19, 2013 - 01:16

I have been using this software for several years and recently upgraded to the latest version. Saturday evening, I was writing and finished a section, saved my piece as a midi file then played it. The tempo was insanely fast. Is there a way to adjust the relative tempo? I want my tempo at 80' playback is set at 120. How can I save my desire tempo for playback? I need help please.have had this issue on a few pieces.
Ps the manual does not address this.


The way to set the playback tempo for a piece is via Tempo Text, which is documented under Tempo . Don't use the play panel to set tempo; that's more for temporary overrides to the real tempo for rehearsal purposes or whatever. This distinction is not made clear in the Hanbook but should be.

In reply to by AYork33

Did you set the properties for the tempo text to actual make it play back at the desired tempo (and verify this with the play panel override set back to the default 100%)? Does the score play back as you expect in MuseScore (again, with the play panel override reset)? What program are you using to play the MIDI file. Is it possible that program simply doesn't understand tempo? What happens if you import the MIDI file back into MuseScore? And how was the score created - in particular, was it perchance imported from MIDI and perhaps already contains hidden tempo markings? Can you attach the score?

I just tried this and it worked fine for me. I took the demo score, which contains a tempo marking, changed its properties to be much slower, verified it played correctly in MuseScore, saved as MIDI, played it in Windows Media Player and it sounded just as slow. Also loaded it back into MuseScore. So it *does* work.

I am still having issues with playback of my score. If I set the tempo using tempo text, it does not effect the tempo in the play panel. I can change the slider on the play panel, but then the playback is all screwed up again. I would really like some assistance with this. I tried what was suggested a few weeks ago and nothing is working. Please help!

In reply to by AYork33

Why are you even looking at the play panel? It really has no particular relevance. Open it one last time, set the slider to 100%, and don't open it again. Use only tempo text from now on when you want to control tempo. That's the best way to get reliable results. The only reason to ever use the play panel is if you temporarily want playback slower than the actual tempo. Like if you are trying to play your instrument along with the music and want it to play back slower than the real tempo while you practice.

If you continue to have trouble, please post your score and describe exactly (step by step) what you are doing, what you expect to see happen, and what you see instead.

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