Forum search filters

• Jul 29, 2017 - 02:10

I don't see a logical place for discussing matters related to this forum, so I'll put this here in hopes it's the right place. When searching forum posts via 'search for help', it would be lovely if we could request only recent content. For example, we could have a global setting that says "ignore posts before " (or that breaks the response into two sets, before and after). Another approach would be to create some new forum boards to contain earlier discussions. Would it make sense to move everything from before MS2 to another tree?

I am constantly finding discussions related to MS 1 features and problems that have long been addressed. There are other 'advanced search' features that would be handy, but the main issue for me is with my typical use case: looking for discussion of how some feature works or whether some problem has been addressed. I generally find relevant recent content but lots of archaic stuff as well that is only interesting for historical reasons.

This has probably been discussed already since it seems pretty obvious. But I didn't see anything.


I don't have a proper answer yet, but the website will get a new engine and a complete makeover in the coming month. It will be easier to add new features like this. So if you have other requests, feel free to add more.

In reply to by underquark

Ah, good point. Though this might not help, since many of the old threads have more recent comments on them. Moving forward, I wonder if it would make sense to create new forum sections to cover new versions? It always seems a little strange that we have giant pool of support and feature request discussions spanning the entire history of the package. Or perhaps we need a way to link a given comment to a particular version, as we do with the issue tracker? I'm always a fan of having extra metadata to help organize content.

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