Difficulties in editing MIDI import
Hi folks, I'm brand new to MuseScore. I've imported a MIDI file that I created in Pro Tools, and am trying to clean up the score. I've done some editing - changing note values, moving notes from Bass to Treble, reassigning voices. I have a first measure that looks good, except for a bunch of extraneous rests in both staves, assigned to voice 1, that I've been unable to delete. There's something I'm not understanding about the program; can someone help me?
In reply to [inline:Screen Shot by ElbyMann
You do not need to select multiple staves to exchange voices. In the treble staff, the blue rest is voice 1 and the green notes are voice 2. Only select the measure in that staff to exchange then delete the voice 2 rest.
Reading up on voices here: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/voices will help you understand better.
FYI, if you selected the first measure and exchanged voices 1 and 2, both voices would end up with rests in them.