Notes and breaks mingled up after crescendo

• Dec 21, 2013 - 10:07

I use musescore 1.2 Rev 5470 from Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS.

Being German I often press H instead of B when I want a B to appear. The resulting crescendo sign can be easily deleted. However, afterwards when the second system is used, the existing breaks mingle with the notes entered in an uncorrectable way.

Attachment Size
bug.mscz 1.84 KB


The current version is 1.3... And you can change the keyboard shortcuts, get rid of h for hairpin and make it the shortcut for the note H.
What 2nd system are you talking about? If you see a bug, can you reproduce it with a nightly build? 1.x won't receive any further fix.

I don't see anything wrong (using musecore 1.2 Rev 5470 in Ubuntu 12.04). Try Layout Reset Stretch and Layout Reset Positions to see if that helps.

In reply to by underquark

Sorry, I didn't try before. Saving, closing and reopening makes the problem go away.
My screen looks like the attachment.
Layout reset ... doesn't help.
Unfortunately the nightly build is 32bit and doesn't run on my computer.
Source code isn't an option, either, since git won't load it.

So basically: The bug is there, but I can work around it.
Maybe someone really fit can try it out on a nightly build.

Attachment Size
asd-1.png 83.42 KB

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