problem of notes when beam modified.

• Dec 25, 2013 - 07:13

that problem quite annoying indeed as the picture attached.

if these are in single note, no problem.
when grouping by clicking beam palette, mess comes up.

Sometimes it comes up, pls. help, thank you.

Attachment Size
problem.png 53.64 KB


This mess, I'm afraid, indicates that corruption has crept into your score.

If you attach your score here, we can try to establish where it is, and perhaps fix it.

We can't do much just from the picture though.

I don't think it is corruption as such but rather a feature that allows too much flexibility - a bit like being allowed to format an entire word processor document as italic. I have had this happen when I have tried to beam notes across several bars, have pasted from an unusual time signature to another (e.g 13/8 to bars of 7/8 and 6/8) or have copied a long beamed section and pasted it across a barline.

To fix, try selecting all the notes and clicking on the unbeam icon (the single quaver in the Beam palette) and then the Auto-beam icon (the capital A).

As a feature request, maybe a warning if someone is trying to beam across more than one bar or move a selection from one time signature to another or do anything else that will take a beamed section and result in it spanning a large part of the score?

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