Pissed off..

• Jan 24, 2014 - 16:36

I was working on a transcription for two hours and after I wanted to delete a horizontal frame which I didn't need, musescore application got me an "Stopped working" error. After I reopened the program, and "restored the session", my work was gone.. I'm so pissed off right now, and I'd like to ask from you to add an auto-save before this exception happens, because it really got on my nerves. This was not the first time that it happened, but it was the largest work loss. Please add that feature in next update.


The backup file mentioned may help, but it will be the state of the score the last time you opened it. If you opened the file and worked for two hours without saving, then you will indeed have lost two hours of work as far as the backup file goes.

But actually, MuseScore *does* auto-save more regularly even in 1.3. The default interval is every two minutes (see Edit / Preferences). But this auto-save is what the restore should have tried to recover, so it's possible the most recent auto-save is corrupt (like if the crash happened while writing it). MuseScore doesn't crash often, and when it does, the auto-save almost always saves the day, but there is no getting the fact that sometimes this just doesn't work.

You may be able to recover the auto-save manually, though. You don't say what OS you are on, but if Windows, go to C:\Users\Casper\AppData\Local\MusE\MuseScore and you will find the auto-saved files. No useful names, but the dates might prove illuminating. Open the most recent ones and see if any are useful. If the one you need won't open because it is corrupt, post it here and and maybe someone will be able to repair it.

Manually saving on a more regular basis than bi-hourly is, of course, a good idea in any case - something to keep in mind in the future...

Thank You all for responses.. I rested a bit and did the work again in about half hour. I found the file later on without problematic horizontal frame in the Local/MusE/Musescore folder. My mistake was that I didn't remember to save the file, even though I didn't know it was already auto-saved in the mentioned folder. Again, thanks for good support. This application has one of the best forums online. Greetings

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