Inserting score properties in frames

• Aug 12, 2017 - 16:18
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

Whithin Style/General/Headers, etc. I'm able to add fields from the properties (title, composer, copyright...) using the $:someting: syntax.

I feel very frustrated not to be able to do that inside the text frames.
I I try to add a Title (right-click->Add->Title, I get a blank field with the style title. That's a good feature because it leads to design coherent documents.

But to insert the effective title of my work, I have to go in File->Properties, then select all the Title text, then copy/paste.

Moreover, if I have to change something (Title, add dates for the composer, change copyright notice... Thes changes are reflected in headers/footers but never in the other frames :-(


I know this is asked a lot, I also understand it doesn't get much priority, and true, you're score won't become better when implementing this, but usability will increase. As a choir, we use a Score number (WokNumber). This is shown in a frame on the first page, As it is used as a Score Title screen, fonts are a little bigger, so clearly visible, to find the score between all other scores.

On the rest of the pages in the score number can be shown normal header or footer.

Now we are mis-using the field lyricist (to store WorkNumber). And we put the lyricist together with the composer in the composer field, but that should not have to be necessary.

Why we use the Lyricist field: simple it is available in the NewScore Wizard
Would it work if we could store it (manually) in the WorkNumber field, not having it available in the Wizard: Sure would help

What I do now: I created a script that opens the mscx file, Gets the Lyricist (ScoreNumber) puts the value into the WorkNumber field, Get the composer Extract the part that starts with "Lyrics" and store this in the Lyricist field and update the Composer field.

This way My metadata shows as you would expect (and not with A lyricist named 505).

This can be done because the text in the Frame does not change when the properties are changed, and when you change the text in the frame this does not effect the properties

But you should not have to manipulate the score file, just to use all the functionality.

So please give it some attention to have the possibility to add additional text fields in the Score (or Frames) like you can in Headers and Footers. And to make it more perfect make it possible that a (limited) number of properties can be selected to show op in the new score.
Ad an additional checkbox to the properties screen, where the fields that are currently in the wizard are already checked and not deselectable and make it possible to select another, for example 3 fields) to the wizard (including Custom made fields) .
Of course the selected properties should also be available when inserting text.

Attachment Size
Mockup Scoreproperties.png 51.05 KB