One feature that I am screaming for

• Aug 19, 2017 - 17:01

What I hated about finale was many things. But one thing was this: I have a complex style of piano composing. I transpose down chromatic minor thirds. I do complex cluster chords. I delay the resolution of a suspended chord. What I would LOVE to have would be a record of WHY I did these steps at each point, a bit like comments in a computer code. Then when I come back to a score I could see at each point what I did and why. Either as a log or as some sort of attached to note section thing. This would also be common courtesy, IMHO, for anyone else who gets my score. In Finale I have searched up and down dale for this feature and to my knowledge it ain't there. Musescore being free, i don't expect to see it. So I will have to write down my transposes etc longhand probably as a distinct note file even though that is so 1980's. Sigh.


You can enter these notes at staff text. To make it where you can read it and it not appear on a printed score, make these texts invisible by selecting them and pressing V. To be able to see invisible items in your score, make sure that in the view menu you have "Show invisible" checked.

Hopefully you can stop screaming now.

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