TimGM6mb #84 Wind Chimes duration and speed

• Sep 1, 2017 - 02:12

i am new to MuseScore and I was trying to transcribe a piece and it needs a chime and a gong. I have been searching but I could not find a gong. I did find the chimes on TimGM6mb #84 and am using this.

My issue is how to make it sound from low to high and change the duration of the sound. I tried making the note value to semibreve but still has the same play speed as with any other note value whether I use a demisemiquaver or a semibreve. Is there a way to change this?


I don't think you can do much about the wind chimes unless you find another sound font with what you want.

The Gong is called a Tam-tam.

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