Crash when trying to add staff text to multimeasure rests
I'm running MuseScoreNightly-201709071127-master-3319f3a-x86_64.AppImage on LINUX-Fedora 26. I switched to multi-measure rests. So getting a 10 measures long multi-measure rest. If I try to add staff text o this multi-measure rest after selecting this multi-measure rest , mscore crashes immediately:
/tmp/.mount_L2D067/AppRun: line 18: 18731 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "${APPDIR}/bin/mscore-portable-nightly" "$@"
See 1 measure behind measure #13
See also #251446: mscore-devel crashes if trying staff text to some multi-measure rest
Shouldn't this issue be fixed after changes in the mentioned #251446: mscore-devel crashes if trying staff text to some multi-measure rest?
Always active with current 3.0 dev. b92a6e0
1) Default "Untitled" score
2) Press "M"
3) Click on the MM rest
4) Ctrl + T
Result: crash
Fixed in branch master, commit 72950fca7a
fix #251451 Crash when trying to add staff text to multimeasure rests
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.