Chord symbol copy/paste/clear

• Apr 7, 2014 - 00:22

Hi all,

this is my first post. I am trying to do a bunch of arrangements for a big band and need to do a lot of copying/pasting of chord symbols. Is there a way to copy and paste (and also very importantly delete) chord symbols without affecting the notes? I need to paste chord symbols from the bass part to all the horns for a background section without modifying the notes they have written.

I also made some mistakes inputing chord symbols in another section and I need to delete chords symbols from all the horns for a ~40 bar section. Is this possible? So far I've managed to delete only the notes. It would be a huge hassle to have to delete each bad chord symbol manually...




You can delete any number of chord symbols. The trick is in selecting them.

You can: 1. Ctrl/select a number singly and then use the delete button. or
2. you can lasso them (set cursor on a blank place and then shift/lasso. Delete as above.

You can cut or delete an individual symbol and then paste it onto another note.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Thanks xavier,

the lasso thing would be great! unfortunately it doesn't work for me...the lasso appears but the chord symbols don't actually get selected. any ideas?

EDIT actually i did get it to work a few times, for no apparent reason, but it almost never manages to select the chord symbols although it works fine for notes...


Lassoing is tricky. You have to completely envelop the chords but not get any notes. Easier might be to ctrl+click chords a few at a time, depending on how many you need to select. But you still can't copy/paste that way - just delete.

A better way to do what you want is to first copy the bass part to a scratch staff, then select the contents normally and hit Delete, which removes the notes and leaves the chords. Now, one by one, copy the other parts into the scratch staff, select, and copy back. Kind of a pain, but not *that* bad, and it does work.

For 2.0, it will be possible to copy chord symbols directly, but selecting will remain tricky.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

dankinzelman :-

You could try this for lassooing chords:

1. Right click on a chord;
2. Select All similar elements (your choice of same stave, same voice, etc.)
3. Hold down Ctrl, point to any chord and click/drag/drop the whole bunch into a clear space
4. Lassoo and delete your chords
5. Repeat step 2.
6. Ctrl + R to reset the original positions of the remaining chords.

Good luck.

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