slur "collapse" note (system breck , big interval at end)

• Apr 7, 2014 - 14:27

I saw an improvement of making slur ... they ussually are fine and touch note less often.

But on the score attached as an example it arrive sometime, (on the sheet with all instrument on flute 2 for exemple and on the part of flute 2 and on clarinette 2)

I think it is more often :
when there is a big interval at the and of the slur
when there is an (here automatic) line (system) breack
when there are beam up and down used in the slur

I don't know if it can be improved and if it worth it but, i wanted to know what other thought of it too.....

Attachment Size
Pavane-2-miseseen page impression.mscz 100.76 KB


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