Rest persists in one measure after notes were added in its place
In measure 104 in attached segment of the piece Bazodee, a half note rest persisted after notes were entered in its place. I tried inserting a new version of that measure and deleting the one with the error, but the same thing happened with the rest persisting. I made the rest invisible, but I would like to get rid of it completely. Bazodee F rehearsal bars 95 to 111.mscz
Click on rest, and open Inspector panel. (F8 to toggle)
You will see that the "vertical offset setting" is -37.00sp
Set to 0 (zero). (or click on reset button -> see attachment)
Have you noticed that there is no rest at 112nd measure?
Yes, that's it.
Thank you very much Ziya Mete Demircan.