Measure names

• Apr 20, 2014 - 13:03

What is it called when certain notes have letter names like A, B, C? Specifically on an orchestrated score. Certain measures often have letter names. What are these called? And how can I created them with Musescore? Can I create them on the main score, and have them automatically visible on the parts?


MuseScore refers to them thus. Some people call them "Section Names" or another phrase.

Click on a note (usually at the beginning of a measure).
From the menu: Create -> Text -> Rehearsal Mark or type [Ctrl] m.
Then type [Shift]A (or whatever) to enter your letter.

There is a bug in 1.x that may hide the Rehearsal Mark (and other entries such as tempo) if you have "Hide Empty Staves" checked.


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