I'm not sure what this is

• Oct 8, 2017 - 16:52

I've been on a very long creative block and this is what I came up with. Not the start of a piece, but the very end. It's probably the finale of an opera, but I'm not composing an opera, and I never tried to. I added an STAB choir and a piano (for recitatives) just in case.

It's 11:52 PM and I haven't studied all weekend oqeenp3pi3npd34pd3pdjp2p4jjtjpr3tp24jh23fp2431p123pvu40vut308ut4jvp3ijhp34hjp34p83h4jph5wtvh3phtp3q4hfp3q4np3hp3np3np3qntnowhgij0935h492jrp824hoitnhtrnhrgjwejfpqjeq3utpjewrgre;fj2409u23pj;234jr;34nv;k35;3q4'2kk224]o2v2ttup[]];.[;],op,,ldul,l5sjqh3

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