instruments visibility: be able to select all/none

• Oct 21, 2017 - 23:20

I hope there would be a "visible all/none" box in "instrument" dialog.

When composing a music with many parts, it's helpful to be able to quickly switch between showing only one part and showing all parts. In the present "instrument" dialog, I can change the visibility of each part. But sometimes, when I want to focus temporarily on one part, making others invisible, I need to uncheck all other parts in the "instrument" dialog. And soon later, when I want to get back to the whole music, I need to check all the other parts. I hope we can have a "select all/none" option for the part's visibility.


Making all instruments invisible with a single click is not a good idea. There would probably be a deluge of posts saying "My score disappeared" as a result. If the score is not too long with too many instruments extracting parts make viewing a single instrument easy. If you want to focus on the same instrument repeatedly, then extracting only that instrument should work well. With a long score and lots of instruments extracting all parts does tend to slow down MuseScore. In version 3.0 there is going to be a timeline that seems to make hiding and viewing instruments a bit easier than the add instruments dialog. It's more compact, but each instrument must still have its visibility changed.

In reply to by mike320

Thank you for replying! I understand your concern, but I notice that the musescore app on iphone and android has a function dealing with your concern. When I uncheck all part, it will leave the top line visible, so I will never have a blank screen.

I mainly talk about a long score with a lot of instruments, like an orchestra. As for extracting parts, I also use it quite much, but the shorthand is I can't hear all other parts on playback. It's hard to adjust notes for one instrument without also listening to other parts, since knowing the balance is important when making the revision.

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