Measure Help

• Nov 15, 2017 - 04:29

Hi there, I'm fairly new to using MuseScore and would like to ask a simple question. Today I was trying to add measures to my trumpet score, and for some reason it's adding them backwards? So say I ran out of measure in my piece, I would try to ad some more, but they are going to the left side of the measure I clicked on, and not the right. Is there something i'm missing or is this just a software issue?


In reply to by Shoichi

Well, I can add a measure and take them out, but it's not continuing on when I add it, so to the right >>>, it's going to the left<<< of the measure I clicked on. I Don't understand why it's doing this and it seems there is nothing online that explains why it's doing this. Just the other day, I was inserting measures normally. Idk what happened between last night and right now.

In reply to by Molly.Plays.Trumpet

Hi, It is unclear from your question whether you read the handbook on how to insert and append measures. I include the link here, just in case.

Think of "insert measure" as "put a new measure where I have selected an existing measure, and shift the existing measure to the right". The effect of this is indeed that the new measure will appear to the left of the selected measure.

This method works for adding measure anywhere in the score except at the end. For this reason there is also a "append measure" operation which adds measurements at the end of the score.

In reply to by Molly.Plays.Trumpet

To be clear: "Insert" always means the new element is added before the currently selected one. Not just in MuseScore; it's the way the term is used in almost every program I can think of. The term "append" means the new element is added to the end of the document - again, not just in MuseScore, but in pretty much every program.

So those are your two choice - either you can insert a measure before some given measure, or you can append to the end. There is no option to add a measure after the selected one, nor would there need to be. If you want to add a measure between measures 10 and 11, simply select measure 11 and use Insert.

Example: If you insert a measure on the seventh measure, the new measure you inserted is seventh.
before: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, (7), 8, 9, 10 // (selected measure is bold)
...after: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7(new), (8), 9, 10, 11 // (inserted measure is italic)

So, the new measure is added exactly where you pointed.

Append bars - press [Ctrl], hold it down and press the b key at the same time and hold it, too, until several new measures have been added to the end of your piece. It's easy to delete the redendant blank ones later.

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