If someone want's...

• Nov 18, 2017 - 21:08

...to give improvements for a work in progress of a nonprofessional arrangement, suggestions are welcome ;-)

Attachment Size
FroehlicherSoul.mscz 22.38 KB


In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Would be very appreciated, thank you very much. A little note: additional Guitar could maybe nice for more volume, but in reality it will be an arrangement for a adolescent band of my nephews with the orchestration as in the above attached score.

But either way: Thanks for your contributions in the MuseScore forum.

Btw, if it interest someone, this was the result I recorded somewhere among the audience (with my simple and aging Yamaha pocketrak). Be aware, that's an amateur band and this was the first live performance. (Maybe someone like it, other not ;-).

Thank's again for your inspiration (especially for the drum parts).

And thanks to MuseScore and all contributors to have a possibility to realize such arrangements with my few knowledge.

Attachment Size
ohdufroehliche.ogg_.zip 3.41 MB

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