move note

• Dec 30, 2017 - 16:02

I want to move a note horizontally within a score, i.e., I do not want the notes to "line up" vertically. I also want to move a tremolo horizontally within a measure independent of the note.


Both can be moved by selecting the item and using the offsets in the inspector. For the note, use the offset for the chord or only the note head will move.

Just curious, can you explain the reasoning behind not wanting notes to line up? Generally speaking, two notes that occur that same point in time are supposed to line up, and MuseScore does this automatically. The only situation where one would normally violate this is when dealing with differing beamed groups of notes where it is more important to have the spacing within each beamed group to look even than to have everything line up correctly within the grouping. For this, MuseScore provides the "Local relayout" option in the Inspector (select a beam to access this), so you don't need to move things manually.

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