Cannot complete measure with 64th notes/rests

• Jan 5, 2018 - 22:31

Hello Musescore community,

In the composition I am attempting to write, I am trying to create a measure that just consists of several 64th note groups. The problem is when I add 64th notes, for some inscrutable reason, musescore automatically adds 64th rests outside of the measure, in other words, there are some 64th rests that appear in front of a white background, rendering me unable to insert notes in their place. It occurs in measures 25 and 26. Attached is my score.

Attachment Size
Nocturne2.mscz 38.22 KB


The problem with your score is that the measure must become wider than the space available on the page. To overcome this you need to change the scaling under the Layout->Page Settings... menu. I have adjusted it in the attached file so all the notes and rests fit. You can adjust it more to your liking.


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