Change instrument titles in the mixer

• Mar 17, 2018 - 02:14

I have a score in which a guitar player needs to go through different effects. I've been using the Change Instrument text, which works but ends up being near impossible to work with in the mixer as they are named all the same thing (mixer.png). I have seen scores with multiple instrument changes which is reflected in the mixer (mixer2.png), yet I can't figure out how to do this!

If you have any advice, let me know!

Attachment Size
mixer.PNG 75.03 KB
mixer2.PNG 422.23 KB


Maybe mixer2 is a score imported from MIDI?
In case press 'I' add the desired instruments and do a little copy and paste.
If you want you can attach here the score.

right click the name of the part for the instrument you want to name in the mixer, select staff properties from the menu, you'll see a pop up screen. In bold letters, you'll see the words "part properties" . Two lines below that you should see the words "part name" with a white box that has the instrument name typed in it. Click on that box and type in the name you want to see in the mixer

In reply to by Adria Sorensen

The problem with that is that the part name will be applied to all of the mixer entries and not solve the problem. Without changing the Instruments.xml file, it is not possible to change what is displayed in the mixer when you are changing sounds. This is the same problem you would have if you used the tremolo channel for a violin for con sordino, it would still say tremolo.

Using instrument changes for several effects in the guitar is necessary and every time an instrument change is made, a new channel is added to the mixer with the same name every time the same instrument is added to the mixer.

BTW, you could also use this to add con sordino, sul ponticello and other styles to the violin if you have sound fonts that will play the sounds. You will experience the same problem if you change playing styles several times throughout a piece of music.

right click the name of the part for the instrument you want to name in the mixer, select staff properties from the menu, you'll see a pop up screen. In bold letters, you'll see the words "part properties" . Two lines below that you should see the words "part name" with a white box that has the instrument name typed in it. Click on that box and type in the name you want to see in the mixer

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