Mouse pointer in wrong position when I move dynamics, notes and text.

• Apr 17, 2018 - 10:56

Just done a 4 page trombone part and when I've come back to it to add dynamics and text, the music is jumping around. If I select the text and then drag it, the text will not be anywhere near the mouse. The whole piece of music moves.
I've uploaded two pics of what happens. The first one is the music un-selected AND after I've made changes (as it moves back to the original place), the second pic with the red arrow is where my mouse is when I'm moving the "Broadway 2 Beat" text.

Any ideas?

Added the actual Musescore file too


Your score has a glitch where every action - not just dragging text, but even just Ctrl+A to select all - causes a layout jump, where MuseScore can't decide whether bar 12 fits on the second line or not. There have been known issues with this in cases involving double bars and key signature changes and I thought we had them mostly licked, but unfortunately this appears to be a new example. In particular, this case should be handled with my fix for #267602: Measure shifts back and forth with each layout. More investigation will be required to understand why this case still fails. Meanwhile, the solution would be to add an explicit line break before bar 12, to force it onto the third system. Same thing for several other bars with key changes that involve naturals.

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