Problem with 5/4 notation?

• Apr 25, 2018 - 02:15

Hello, I am currently composing a percussion ensemble, and I have a measure of 5/4 in it. The way the rhythm is notated on the page is like this:
As you can see, there is not a lot of spacing in the notation. I would like more spacing in it to make it easier to read.
The way I want it notated is this:
1+2+ 3+ah 4+ 5e+a

If anyone could help, I would appreciate it. Here is a picture of the measure on how it looks now:

Attachment Size
54.PNG 2.2 KB


It is normally incorrect for notes of the same duration to actual space differently, What you probably really want is to change the beaming the reflect the beat divisions. To do that, see the Handbook under "Beams".

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