Bar size and distance between lyrics and staff

• Jul 10, 2018 - 00:10

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to format this document in order to be easier to read. I would like to do mainly two things:

1 - Shorten the distance between the lyrics and the bars below them (in the SATB part).

The problem is, when I reduce the lyrics margin size (so that the several verses get closer to the "T/B" part), in the first part of the song ("Todos" and "Órgão") the lyrics are squeezed and visually merged with the chords in the organ part ("Órgão"). Why is this happening?

2 - Try to not have that lonely bar at the end. Is there a way of putting it in a previous line? I don't want to reduce the size of the document (Layout -> Page Settings. The lyrics become too small to read), but I would like the bars to be more "organized".

Thank you all

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  1. In the Style->General... menu on the Page tab there is a Lyrics bottom margin you might be able to adjust and get the results you want. If this doesn't help, you can right click the bottom staff and change the extra space above the staff to a negative number.

  2. Select the measure and all of the measures on the line before and press { to see if it will move to the previous line, if note try this on each line before until you get the measure to move.

In reply to by mcmike00

I have done the following:

Changed the Lyrics bottom margin to 0 to put most staves closer together (can be increased if lyrics get too close to next staff)
Changed Lyrics line height to 110% to keep lyric lines from running into each other. (Can be adjusted to make verses closer or farther apart).
Put a spacer from the Breaks and Spacers palette between the Todos and Órgão staves. If you select it you can fine tune the adjustment in the inspector.

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