Inserting multiple bars of rests

• Aug 13, 2018 - 21:20

Hello Musescore users, How do I input multiple bars of rests into 1 space rather than using multiple individual spaces? Help please, Thanks.


Leave the correct number of measure empty. Once you're done entering notes press M to enable multi-measure rest display mode.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks Jeetee, sorry for the late response. I am getting the feel of MuseScore thanks to the very useful help of users like you. I'm also figuring out commands as I go by. I have 2 questions however. The last stave on my page is empty, how do I delete the key and time signatures so It doesn't show up on the printed score? Also, I put in the bpm later after I started writing a score, now the song only recognizes the bpm from this point. How do I correct that? Thanks again.

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