Why is there another instrument part in my percussion part?

• Sep 8, 2018 - 18:20

Hi I wrote a score for a concert band and when I looked at the crash cymbal/rainstick individual sheet music, there's an entire staff of the flute part there an I have no idea how or why it got there. Does anyone know how to take it out? Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at 1.14.55 PM.png


My best bet is that when you created parts, you clicked New All and when it was done you checked an instrument (either the crash cymbal or Flute) on the right hand side. This is totally unnecessary. Click New All, then OK and the parts will all be made automatically. To fix it, go back to File->Parts... delete the part that has the same name as the tab you are looking at this in, then click New, type the proper name of the part on the left side where it says Part, now you can check the proper instrument and you will have only one instrument in the part. As an alternative you can delete all of the parts THEN let MuseScore do it right with no interference from you by clicking New All and OK.

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