Can't read file?

• Nov 3, 2018 - 01:53

I spent a good two hours on this song, and suddenly it crashes. Next time it gives an option to recover, I click it, and it says it won't read. I suppose it's from a picture I saved as a cover and slapped it on.
PLEASE HELP ME. I found the backup that I was using but...

.Jpg s show that there is no second backup.

Attachment Size
scmW8244.mscz 32.63 KB
asdfas.JPG 15.44 KB
dsflkdjas.JPG 56.84 KB


I'm guessing you didn't really name your file scmW8244. That is almost certainly the name of the recovered file. If so, what about your actual score - what is the file name for that, what folder did you save it to, and what does that file look like?

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