Path problem exporting XML files.

• Jul 17, 2014 - 18:50

This looks like a bug and I haven't seen it reported/fixed.

musescore 1.2 on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.

(I've failed so far to get later versions to build/install)

I'm doing a command-line export from a Python script, which runns commands:

mscore -d -o ../PDF/D/Dos_Gardenias.pdf D/Dos_Gardenias.mscz
mscore -d -o ../XML/D/Dos_Gardenias.pdf D/Dos_Gardenias.mscz

The .pdf files all get created where I expect.
The .xml files get created in ../XML/ rather than in ../XML/D/


Incidentally/addendum, paths with XML/D/ ./XML/D/ PDF/D/ ./PDF/D/ and probably others give QPainter errors and don't generate any files.


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