Cadenzas can be added rather well by increasing the beat count of the measure. The problem is that if you do so in a multi-instrument score, it changes the usual whole note rest to some odd double or quadruple whole note rest in all the other instruments, and it makes the measure much, much wider in all the seperate parts.
The cadenza measure should just look like a normal measure to everyone else, a normal measure with a fermata over it's measure rest, but a normal width measure. It would be really nice if we could have a little tick box in measure properties labeled 'Cadenza' that would make a 28 beat measure look like a normal 4 beat one. Many cadenza measures have a lead in from tutti instruments, so it'd really, really have to look like a normal measure.
Relatedly, invisible notes make measures wider. If they're invisible, they really shouldn't. Anyway to ignore layout niceties on invisi-notes and squish them all together?
The width adjustment for Cadenzas should be as is on scores, and look like an entirely normal measure on parts.
This is definitely a problem with creating cadenzas. The way to work around this is to make sure a whole rest is near the middle of the measure for instruments that don't have notes. Make the rest of the rests invisible by pressing V. It looks like a measure rest so it will look good. If you decide you need to move the whole rest a little, then you can select it in all of the measures at once and use the inspector to move all of the rests the exact same amount.
Select those unwanted rests and press Ctrl+Shift+Del to turn them into a full measure rest, see…
In reply to Select those unwanted rests… by Jojo-Schmitz
I wasn't sure that would work for a rest that lasts 24 beats or something similar.
In reply to Select those unwanted rests… by Jojo-Schmitz
It doesn't work. Here, Beethoven's fifth first movement, tiny little Oboe Cadenza:
In Musescore, on the score, invisible double whole note rests:
See how the alignment is all wrong? And that bottom measure, double whole note rest + fermata? That was what happened when I did the Ctrl+Shift+Del. That works on 3/4, but on 8/4 and more, apparently you get the weird rest.
Here's the flute part, with that invisible rest distorting the cadenza measure:
In reply to It doesn't work. Here,… by Laurelin
Another alternative would be tuples. For the second quarter rest that would normally occupy the measure, go to notes->tuplets->other, and set that rest to a tuplet of ration 7:1. That will get you 7 quarter notes. Add in the quarter and half notes as seen, and make the four sixteenth notes grace notes.
That should work, and you won't need to alter measure length at all to accomplish it.
In reply to Another alternative would be… by LuuBluum
...but playback will be waaaaayyy off.
In reply to ...but playback will be… by mike320
Yes, but that has an easy fix- invisible fermutas to alter the time length of the respective notes such that they are now the sufficient length. For the grace notes, a brief foray into the pianoroll editor will fix that right up.