Missing Score?

• Dec 2, 2018 - 17:33

I've been working on a score for the past few days, frequently saving. When I opened Musescore today, the score was nowhere to be found. I searched through the autosave folders, the recovery files, all that sort of thing and have come up empty handed. When I looked at my Musescore 2 folder, there wasn't a single thing in any of them, including scores, despite the fact that I've been using Musescore for over a year. I'm on a Mac running High Sierra and have Version 2.3.2 of Musescore. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Did you check the trash Most likely thing I can think of is you accidentally deleted it. But if there was a crash at some point while working on it, it and then you chose to recover the previous session but didn't choose where to save the recovered score, it's entirely possible that file ended up somewhere else under a different name. Did you notice the title looking funny at some point?

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