I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I'll give it a whirl. I've imported a pdf of a trombone quartet into Musescore and it made some odd changes to the music, changing rhythms, adding rests, and adding voices. I know the most direct thing would be to go and manually fix all the errors, but my main concern is the different voices. Is there an easy way to make everything go to Voice 1?
You would need to attach the score, but if it's still under copyright you shouldn't so I'll point out some things to look for.
When you see notes in different voices, do they change colors if you select only one measure on one staff? If so, do the notes overlap? If not, you can select that measure and click the voice 1 button on the toolbar or press ctrl_alt+1 t switch all the notes to voice 1.
If the colors are not all highlighted this means that the import tool put more than one trombone as one instrument with multiple staves. In this case, copy paste and switch voices is the only way.
You can use the filter selector (F6) to choose only some of the voices for the copy and paste operation.
Let us know if you need more help.
In reply to You would need to attach the… by mike320
For the most part the voices are all highlighted with different colors and they do not overlap. I've tried selecting the measure and then clicking voice 1 button on the toolbar or ctrl+alt+1 and it doesn't do anything.
In reply to For the most part the voices… by paul184031
It sounds like you are doing something wrong.
If you select only one measure on one staff, are the notes colored according to the voice, or do some stay black? If there are some that are black, they are actually entered on the adjacent staff and moved to that staff using cross-staff. In this case they must be cut/copied then pasted onto the correct staff.
If you select only one measure on one staff and all of the notes change from black then you can see if the notes overlap. If, for example, the measure starts with a voice 1 quarter note then there is a voice 2 eight note that starts on beat 2 or later, they do not overlap. If the eighth note in the example starts on the and of beat 1, then the notes overlap.
If the notes overlap, you will have no choice but to reenter then notes since a trombone can only play one note at a time. If notes are moved using cross-staff notation, it's probably easier to just reenter them, but cut and paste as I previously described is possible. If all of the notes are on the same staff with no overlaps, clicking voice 1 on the toolbar will move them to voice and put rests in the places there were notes. The non-voice 1 rests can, and should, be deleted. Note that the notes must be selected to move them to voice 1.