MIDI set up help
I would like to use the real time audio feature to play the melodies, and have MusicScore capture the notes/rhythm. I have viewed videos and read the handbook to set up a MIDI connection between my keyboard and my computer. Still, music score is not recognizing the keyboard at all.
I am using a PC, Windows 2010 and an Alesis keyboard. I'm also using a tracklink midi cable, and the usb light remains red. According to thinklink instructions, if it's working, when I play notes it should be green.
I've set the preferences as specified in the handbook too. How do I get this to work?
Thanks much,
Have you start MuseScore after the keyboard is switched on?
In reply to Have you start MuseScore… by Shoichi
Great question, and yes, I did.
In reply to Great question, and yes, I… by Chari Smith
Post an image from the Preferences->I/O tab, someone can help you better.
a doubt: try to reverse the cables (in vs out)
Ok, here's a pic of the preferences from my computer. How do i get musicscore to recognize the keyboard? Thanks all.
In reply to Ok, here's a pic of the… by Chari Smith
Check that your MIDI interface is selected in Edit -> Preferences -> I/O -> Choose portMIDI input
In reply to Check that the MIDI input… by Shoichi
Enable "MIDI VEL TX" on ON from the keyboard, if present.
In reply to Enable "MIDI VEL TX" on ON… by Shoichi
Thanks! I'll try both of those things and let you know if it works.