Qt Linguist to perform consistency checks on translation files.

• Dec 28, 2018 - 10:15


I have put together some instructions on how to open the MuseScore language file (core GUI, called mscore, instruments and tours), using the Qt Linguist tool. It ships with Qt Designer, but as translators we don’t want to download GB software only to use a small component, so I have links to the standalone Qt Linguist binaries).

This tool will indicate issues between source and target language that the Transifex editor simply. We had a surprising number of Afrikaans translations with a space in front or at the end of the strings, and strings that had a colon at the end when the source did not (or vice versa).

The Qt Linguist interface has another big advantage insofar as it gives the context of a string, e.g. the hierarchy (per file / function), grouping a string with other strings used in the same place. It is not perfect (e.g. you can still not tell if something is a noun or verb), but makes the context more visible than the Context tab in Transifex.

Please try it and let me know what works for you, if there are any improvements to be made on the instructions.

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