Inheritance of the page style properties (margins) of a template.
In order to obtain sheets in a homogeneous format, I created a SATB template with parts, placed in the "Templates" folder. Almost all custom settings created from this template in the creation wizard are found in the created sheets except for the margin dimensions that remain with the default values (in the main page and the parts).
Bug or not ? (idem and constant in v2.3.2 and V3.0)
Page size indeed gets ignored from templates, mainly to not create Letter sheets in Europe or A4 ones in the US
In reply to Page size indeed gets… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm curious if page size and margins are included when you save a style? If so, saving and loading a style would help.
In reply to I'm curious if page size and… by mike320
When in doubt, try it out ;-)
In reply to I'm curious if page size and… by mike320
Thank you for your suggestion.
I have created new margin settings in the main page and in the parts of the template. I saved and reloaded the style, then I saved the template.
When I create a new sheet based on the updated template, the new margin settings are well preserved in the main page but not in the parts, and that is what interests me the most.
Edit : Made with V2.3.2
In reply to Thank you for your… by mikosax
Unfortunately, creating parts is always based upon the main score. I suggest that you try to set up your score including parts and use the menu Style->Save Style... Open an existing score you want fixed and use Style_Load style... to see if it will do what you want.
In reply to Thank you for your… by mikosax
load the style on the parts too
In reply to load the style on the parts… by Jojo-Schmitz
By creating a new sheet + parts based on the fully configured template (main page and parts), the desired settings on the main page are correctly transmitted but the parts display the settings without taking them into account.
Then, by loading the style previously saved with the template into one of the parts and applying it to all parts, the margin settings are transmitted.
This is a better way, but it generates additional pejorative manipulations in my stakhanovist project of copying with Musescore the content of a jambook of more than a thousand themes. In this context, the request for functionality I had made would make sense. Unfortunately, this request - perhaps misspoken or misunderstood - has not been answered.
Thanks to both of you
In reply to By creating a new sheet +… by mikosax
Better would be for scores to also inherite parts settings from templates
It style sheets to work for sore and parts in one go