Fretboard diagrams layout issue in MuseScore 3

• Jan 5, 2019 - 15:40

Hello MuseScore community,

at first I like to thank the developers for all the hard work they put into MuseScore 3, I deeply appreciate it. Thank you so much.

I gave MuseScore 3 a try and opened one of my scores (Joan.mscz). The layout looks VERY different in Version 3 and the layout of the fretboard diagrams seems to be corrupt. It looks fine in MuseScore 2. See the attached png-screenshots for comparison.

Is my score corrupt?
Or did I do something wrong?
Or is that a bug in Version 3?

Any support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Attachment Size
Joan_MS2.png 432.22 KB
Joan_MS3.png 404.03 KB
Joan.mscz 29.78 KB


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