Key signatures with transposed instruments

• Jan 17, 2019 - 22:54


I remember in MuseScore 2 a big issue I was very frustrated with was how key signatures in transposed instruments defaulted to ones with a ton of sharps (for example, the key of E major concert on an alto sax would show up as C# major rather than Db major) and there was no way to change this.

However, I just found out about MuseScore 3 and downloaded it. I was wondering if this issue was changed in MuseScore 3, if there was any way to adjust key signatures in transposed instruments to enharmonic counterparts.


In reply to by mike320

That worked, thanks so much! Seems kind of needlessly complicated for what should be something simple honestly.

Edit: Well, it worked... until I pressed "Concert Pitch" and then went back to normal view. It reset itself. Is there any way to keep it in flats permanently?

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