Temporary/Backup files erasing capability

• Jan 25, 2019 - 03:53

Hi, Gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.0.1 into UbuntuStudio 18.04.1 LTS (64 bit Linux).

BUT... I guess it is the same in Windows and/or MAC.

Each time we create and/or edit an score with MuseScore (despite the version we are using), the program creates and saved a Temporary/Backup file, which name is the same of the main file, but the extension part has a comma at the end.

In Linux, these files start with a dot (period) which leaves them as hidden files.

The issue is... When we finish the piece, there is not an automatic command to erase those files!!!

Those file stay into our HDD up we find them and erase them manually!!!

Also, there is not some option into the MuseScore "File Menu" to erase them.

Why not to add an automatic collecting and erasing process to those flies???

Or... Why not to add an option to perform that into the "File Menu"???

Just an idea...

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



FYI, these invisible backup files have saved many people from having to start over with their projects and they have been thankful to have them. If you don't rename you main file, the backup is replaced every time you edit and save a file, so there should always be one backup per score.

I'm not saying your idea no merits, but I would prefer not to let users automatically delete backups from within MuseScore. The only people who see these files are people who have invisible files turned on in the program.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't use Microsoft software since I have used Linux, but... All software with those "backup" files has an option which let the user to erase all of them, if the user want to perform that cleaning action.

If you think about a typical MuseScore symphonic mayor piece uses around 1 MB of HDD, and you are using another 1 MB to those hidden files, and you have a lot of those pieces... It is a very interesting amount of HDD used!!!

I just wonder... Is it absolutely necessary???

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